(Cascais søndag kl 05:30) – 700 brannmenn jobber nå med å begrense og slokke brannen som nærmer seg Cascais. Brannen startet rundt 22:50 lørdag kveld.
Se direktesending på RTP3.
CM Jornal melder at brannen startet i området Peninha-klosteret, i Sintra fjellkjeden, Sierra de Sintra – gikk ned til Guincho området, nærmer seg Praia do Abano, ved Cascais.
Ett bolighus er brent og tre brannmenn er skadet. Tusenvis av mennesker måtte fjernes fra campingplassen (som ble evakuert) fra Guincho, Biscay, Figueira do Guincho, Almoinhas Velhas. To ridesenter i området ble også evakuert. Minst 47 personer ble fjernet fra deres hjem og tatt til Malveira da Serra Recreational Society (Sociedade Recreativa da Malveira da Serra) og til Cascais Dramatic Pavilion (Pavilhão Dramático).
5 landsbyer er evakuert: Figueira do Guincho, Biscaia, Aldeia do Juzo, Almoinhas Velhas, og Charneca.
Sterk vind på 100 km/t gjør slukningsarbeidet vanskelig. I tillegg ventes det en vind-endring som kan gjøre arbeidet enda vanskeligere.
Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa (som bor i området) befinner seg nå i Cascais rådhus.
Du kan også følge brannen her: LIVE fra Praia do Guincho
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Fra: Safe Communities Portugal
According to the district commander of Lisbon of the National Authority for Civil Protection (ANPC), André Fernandes, the fire, which has since been dominated, has so far caused “a total of 21 victims.”
Speaking at the briefing that took place around 13.00 hrs today, in Cascais Council Hall, the commander said that among the victims were “10 operatives and a civilian” who were taken to a hospital unit, “all with minor injuries related to trauma to the eyes and trauma to the lower limbs, sprains and some dislocations.”
The civilian victim had “first and second degree burns, in less than 10% of the body,” but in the meantime “he has already been discharged and is already at his home,” he added.
The fire broke out on Saturday, at 22:50 pm, in Peninha, in the Sintra mountain range, in the Lisbon district, and then spread to the municipality of Cascais. It was dominated by 10:45 today.
Around 300 people were taken from the camping site in Cascais and another 47 were taken from their homes, located throughout the area of the fire.
The Judicial Police are investigating the fire, reported the Expresso and a local information site, Cascais 24 . The fire has since been extinguished
According to Cascais 24, this was the third fire that, within a few days, broke out in the Natural Park of Sintra-Cascais.
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